Saturday, January 8, 2011

An Address With No Numbers

My bags are packed(at least I hope so...) and I have 24 hours left before I leave for Ireland! Where has the time gone? 

My hope is that this blog will serve as my way to stay in touch with everyone, share my stories and hear what is going on back home. I have never done a blog before so bear with me the first few weeks as I try and figure it all out. 

Where I am living:
Tully Cross, Ireland 
For the next four months I am going to be in Tully Cross, Ireland. Tully Cross is a small village in Western Ireland, north of Galway, and extremely close to the Atlantic Ocean. The land surrounding Tully Cross is not all green rolling hills, there are rocky cliffs, brown bog land and brisk winds. Tully Cross consists of a church, two pubs, two small groceries, a hotel and three roads leading out from the city. There are also nine thatched roof cottages in Tully Cross where we will be living this semester. 

One of the most unique things about living in Tully Cross is that our addresses do not have any numbers in them! It amazes me that without a single address or zip code, the mail still finds us.  If you want to send me snail mail (which I would love :-) ) this is my address:
Maggie Edison
Aquinas College Study Center 
The Cottages
Tully Cross, Renvyle P.O 
County Galway, IRELAND 

I cannot wait to experience life in the Irish country, it is going to be a big change from life at UD. The whole experience still is surreal, I do not feel as though I will be in Ireland in approximately 48 hours. I am so blessed with this opportunity and am thankful everyday. 

I guess there is nothing left to say right now except goodbye, I will miss everyone, but promise to keep you all up to date! 

Next time I will write I will be in IRELAND!!! 


  1. OOOOO yeah first post!!!!!

    Have fun Maggie I'm sure it will be an awesome experience.

  2. Have a safe trip today! I will be thinking of you and praying for you! Can't wait to hear all about your travels/experiences. I will send you some goodies--can you say "Panera Bread--chocolate chip cookies"? love, Aunt Teresa

  3. Hey Mags - have so much fun! Good luck and we will be reading.

  4. Hi Maggie,
    I've enjoyed reading your blog! What amazing pictures and history you've been writing about--you should write a book! Glad you are having a great time! Love, Aunt Teresa
